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AboutShore 2 Shore Psychiatry

Shore 2 Shore Psychiatry is a psychiatric treatment center dedicated to mental health and wellness. We strive to provide the highest quality treatments and therapy that brings patients one step closer to achieving a healthy mind and body.

Our patients’ health and well-being are at the forefront of our practice and its mission. We encourage patients to control their mental health by managing their condition and its symptoms and incorporating healthy lifestyle and behavior choices. Nutrition, exercise, and physical health have tremendous effects on mental health and vice versa. Through a patient-centered approach, we help patients learn the skills they need to combat their condition and lead healthy lives.

Treatment with us starts with the consultation. During this appointment, we will get to know you and examine the issues you are dealing with. This is also an opportunity for you to get to know us and your treatment options. An informed patient makes the best decisions about their health. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions or let us know if anything is unclear.

There is no one-size-fits-all treatment at Shore 2 Shore Psychiatry. We tailor our approach to the needs of each individual. The typical approach to treatment involves a combination of medication and therapy. Mental health disorders are often complicated and require a multifaceted approach. We will keep in close contact with you during treatment and adjust the protocol when needed. Once you are on your way to feeling better, we will provide a thorough follow-up to ensure you are returning to the best version of yourself.

Almost everyone struggles with mental health at some point in their life, and they should not ignore it and hope it will pass. If you or a loved one is suffering, call us today at 631-792-7278. There is help. We are here to listen.

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